Medal of honor map
Medal of honor map

medal of honor map medal of honor map

On December 9, 1861, Iowa Senator James W. After Scott retired in October 1861, Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles adopted the idea of a decoration to recognize and honor distinguished naval service. Scott, however, was strictly against medals being awarded, which was the European tradition. Townsend, an assistant adjutant at the Department of War and Scott's chief of staff. Medal of Honor awarded posthumously in 1866 to John Morehead Scott, one of the Andrews Raidersĭuring the first year of the Civil War (1861–1865), a proposal for a battlefield decoration for valor was submitted to Lieutenant General Winfield Scott, the Commanding General of the United States Army, by Lieutenant Colonel Edward D. In 1990, Congress designated March 25 annually as " National Medal of Honor Day". Īccording to the Medal of Honor Historical Society of the United States, there have been 3,527 Medals of Honor awarded to 3,508 individuals since the decoration's creation, with over 40% awarded for actions during the American Civil War. The president typically presents the Medal of Honor at a formal ceremony intended to represent the gratitude of the American people, with posthumous presentations made to the primary next of kin. The Medal of Honor is the oldest continuously issued combat decoration of the United States Armed Forces. The Department of the Air Force used the Department of the Army's version until they received their own distinctive version in 1965. The Medal of Honor was introduced for the Department of the Navy in 1861, soon followed by the Department of the Army's version in 1862. There are three distinct variants of the medal: one for the Department of the Army, awarded to soldiers, one for the Department of the Navy, awarded to sailors and marines, as well as coast guardsmen of the Department of Homeland Security, and one for the Department of the Air Force, awarded to airmen and Space Force guardians. The medal is normally awarded by the President of the United States, but as it is presented "in the name of the United States Congress", it is often referred to (erroneously) as the "Congressional Medal of Honor". The Medal of Honor ( MOH) is the United States government's highest and most prestigious military decoration that may be awarded to recognize American soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, Space Force guardians, and coast guardsmen who have distinguished themselves by acts of valor. All three Military Department medals together

Medal of honor map