Sins of a galactic empire wiki
Sins of a galactic empire wiki

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When the combined fleets of imperial admirals Wolfgang Mittermeyer and Oskar von Reuenthal descended over the capital, Bucock was present and the meeting with Job Trunicht and Walter Islands to debate Mittermeyer's call for the government to surrender. While Wenli remained at the front lines to continue to harass the invading Imperial forces, Alexander Bucock returned to the capital Heinnesen. Yang Wenli's Ark Fleet arrived at Rantemarino and assisted Bucock's fleet in a withdrawal from the Starzone. (He) convinced Bucock by pointing out that if the Alliance were defeated, the Empire would likely try high-ranking military officers for war crimes, and if Bucock were dead when that happened, his subordinates would be tried and executed in his place. Consider this parenthetical a temporary place-holder) had removed the clip from Bucock's weapon earlier, preventing the suicide, and implored him not to take his own life. When his defeat became clear, Bucock asked to be left alone so that he might repent for the deaths of the men under his command by taking his own life. Despite dealing heavy damage to the Imperial Fleets-particularly admiral Bittenfeld's Black Lancers, the Allied Fleed suffered enormous casualties and was routed. Faced with a numerically superior enemy, Bucock fought the Imperial fleets as best he could, utilizing the Rantemarino's unusally strong gravity well to his own advantage.

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Bucock's fleet enaged Reinhard's forces in the Rantemarino star system, in what would become known as the Battle of Rantemarino. When Reinhard von Lohengramm led an invasion of Alliance space through the Phezzan Corridor, the Free Planets Alliance hastily assembled a fleet to counter the imperial threat, with Alexander Bucock in command as Fleet Admiral.

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